Easy Way to Jump Rope in Super Mario Odyssey

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  • #1
I tried everything, from listening to the "Hey" of the girl, to jumping with the motorbike, to trying to activate the Talkatoo glitch (I can never get that to work), and I still can't do it.

Why did Nintendo do this? Putting it at 50 jumps would have been fine, but 100? Most people will never get this moon without hours of frustration at least. Did nobody at Nintendo play-test this or think people would dislike it?

  • #2
I found rhythm

Got it on my 2nd try.

  • #3
I realized the only real way to win is not to play :p
  • #5
While sitting in a scooter actually.
Jedeye Sniv
  • #8
don't hold the jump button when you press it, it'll do a higher jump and cause Mario to stay in the air, and will cause him to touch the rope when the speed increases. Simply tap once the speed has ramped up, and you'll gain a rhythm of jumping at the right time.
  • #9
It isnt a fun challenge, so I just didnt try to do it more than two times, there are other moons to collect that are more fun.
  • #10
I struggled with this for a few hours, but something eventually just clicked and I managed to hit 173. Not much help, but you'll eventually just find the rythym to it. I personally preferred to position the camera so it's above Mario, looking down.
  • #11
The volley ball one is even worse imho. And it takes too much time to get to 100 if you mess up near the end.
  • #12
I went through the 5 stages of grief before I could accept the truth: I suck at the jump rope challenge.
Soul Skater
  • #13
Cheated with the motorbike
Citizen Rizer
  • #14
I don't think I would've been able to do it without getting on the bike. After the speed stopped increasing I was able to close my eyes and just keep the rhythm.
  • #15
I expected to never bother with it, then on a whim last time I played it I just went and did it with pure jumpman skillz.

Now I might actually get all the moons, eventually.

  • #16
I beat it while listening to Jump Up, Super Star. And yes, don't press button for too long
  • #17
I didn't because it's not fun

Can't imagine sitting there for an hour+ trying to jump rope in a video game lol. I'm good bruh.

  • #18
Cheated with the motorbike
  • #19
I got up to 285 on the second try.
  • #20
The volley ball one is even worse imho. And it takes too much time to get to 100 if you mess up near the end.

Did you try the 2-player trick with this? Use your second joycon to fly around as Cappy. He moves way more precisely than Mario does. Got it on the first try.
  • #21
I used the glitch before they fixed the glitch.
  • #22
I think I beat it on my first try lol. Never was able to do the volleyball one without "cheating" with Cappy though.

Edit: It was only the partial cheating by throwing Cappy, I didn't do the two player thing.

  • #23
I just tapped A somewhat quickly and some timing. No special techniques but it worked. Didn't take very long really.
  • #24
took me a few tries (didnt know about cheese at the time) but ultimately was easy compared to volley ball, thank god for 2P mode.
  • #25
At a certain point the speed stops increasing so it's just a case of finding a good rhythm and not pressing the jump button for too long
  • #26
After many tries the normal way and with the scooter, I played in handheld mode and laid the Switch flat like a tablet. Then I used my index finger instead if my thumb to jump. I got it on my first try with this method

The volleyball one is way worse. I just did the 2 player cheat and moved on

  • #27
I think I pretty much gave up at the jump rope challenge.
The volley ball one is even worse imho. And it takes too much time to get to 100 if you mess up near the end.

The volleyball one is surprisingly easy, though:
  • #28
Did you try the 2-player trick with this? Use your second joycon to fly around as Cappy. He moves way more precisely than Mario does. Got it on the first try.

Can you control both characters yourself? I can't imagine moving both with 1 person. Do you need a second human person for the other joycon?
  • #29
I did it without looking at the screen and timing my jumps with the "Hey!"
Nothing Important Podcast
  • #30
After a billion attempts I was jacking around with the scooter and tried it being silly.

To my surprise, it let you jump rope with the scooter and something about the physics of the scooter made it easier.

  • #31
It took me a while to get it, but here's two pieces of useful advice:

- all tips, tricks, etc. found online are pure trash. They don't really work, and some of them are actually counter-productive. You need to find your own rhythm. Don't look at no shadow. Screw that woman and her "hey!".
- if you feel you're about to hit the rope, throw Cappy to get yourself some respite while getting ready to go on (don't just spam it).

Good luck :)

  • #32
I didn't. This, the race car challenge, and the volleyball were the worst parts of the game and I hope these no-platforming time wasters never show up in the series again.
  • #33
I eventually got it by closing my eyes and just focusing entirely on the audio cues. Even then it took like twenty minutes of tries. I got every single moon in the game and quite deliberately saved this one for last, lol.
  • #34
It took me awhile but I eventually got it through sheer determination.
  • #35
In the scooter and jumping when there was a certain sound. I don't recall what that was at the moment. When I finally figured out the rhythm, I got it.

Now, if we're asking about the beach volleyball Moon? I totally cheesed that with Assist Mode!

  • #36
I was surprised by how easy I found it actually. I usually suck at rhythm games (or anything in that vein) but it took me like ~20 minutes at most. It just clicks eventually.

The volleyball one was worse, but yeah, once you figure out how to use Cappy it's a breeze. It was a night and day difference from my first try (where I gave up because it was impossible) and my later one after beating the game (where it was only one or two tries).

  • #37
Failed the first time got 120 or something on the second try. Then I heard apparently people were having loads of trouble with it so I went back to it to see if it was a fluke, but I consistently got 100+ every time. I tend to do well with rhythm stuff so that might help.
  • #38
i just jumped 100 times, took one or two tries

its nothing compared to ffix

  • #39
The Volleyball challenge was annoying until I learned you dont actually have to play Volleyball, so I just threw my hat at it. Jump Rope is pretty simple when you get a rhythm.
Rabbit Clock
  • #40
very lightly tap the jump button. Jump rope was much easier than volley ball for me.
  • #41
just rhythme... got it on my first try without even knowing there was an objective to get to 100!

Maybe just count out loud, it helps

  • #42
Re: volleyball, with a second controller for Cappy.
  • #43
years of experience playing Mario Party 2.
Max Payne
  • #44
I used the glitch. I don't know if it's fixed by now, but I got my 99.999 jumps.

Also used the second player control for the volleyball.

  • #45
Honestly you need to find your best way of doing it, I went with the "Hey" because I'm just good at music/sound timing as a Rhythm Tengoku and Space Channel 5 fan.
  • #46
Once you get the rhythm down it's pretty easy, probably took me 6-7 tries, as far as I remember they stop increasing in speed around 50-60 jumps at that point you'll want to just be tapping the button for a split second so you don't get too much air and then hit it again right as he touches the ground.
Carassius Auratus
  • #47
I listened for "hey" then quickly flicked my thumb over the jump button. Easy peasy.
  • #48
A lot of tries. After 60 its just mash jump with no rhythm.

The one that I refuse to do is make mario's face the second go. FUCK THAT

  • #49
Short hops when it speeds up.
  • #50
This isn't a completely broken trick, but it does help - the collision for the rope only happens on the floor and not on the ceiling. This means that as long as you're in the air, you won't lose. If you feel like you're about to lose, you can significantly increase your airtime with Cappy throw -> ground pound -> jump on ground pound for a high jump -> Cappy throw at the peak -> ground pound again. You will be completely invincible while you're in the air which is a long time and you gain a lot of points free during this time. You can probably repeat this once or twice more in a row (after the final ground pound), but you can't do it endlessly because the ground pound will eventually sync with the floor rope and you'll lose. So basically only do it once or twice per couple of normal jumps to gain easy points in the middle of the challenge.

That said, after a couple of honest attempts I got more than 300 jumps just hitting the jump button with very light taps in a constant rhythm. It stops increasing in speed after 50. It's definitely possible and for me it wasn't that hard but I can see how it would be to people who are less good at timing. I also don't agree with some comments here that it's not fun - exploring this minigame was some of the most fun I've had with Odyssey.


Source: https://www.resetera.com/threads/how-did-you-beat-the-100-jump-rope-challenge-in-mario-odyssey.33527/

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